A to Z of Sustainability: Part 1
Alphabets are the foundation of any language. It is important for a person to know the basics to be able to proceed further in gaining in-depth knowledge on any topic. To step into the world of slow living and embrace sustainability, here’s a little run through the basics; through our sustainable dictionary.
Let’s start from the scratch:
A for Accountability-
The acknowledgement of responsibility by an organization for their actions.
Accountability (in sustainable fashion) calls out to the creators (brands) for taking responsibility- for the harm their practices are causing the environment/ workers/ handicrafts / rare art forms etc.
B for Biodegradable Clothing-
Clothing made of natural fibers that will seamlessly degrade back into nature’s cycle without leaving remains.
Example- Hemp, Silk, Organic cotton, Jute, Wool etc.
Know more? Feel free to write back to us.
C for Carbon Footprint-
The total greenhouse emissions caused by an individual, event, organization, or product, expressed as carbon dioxide equivalent.
Example: Driving to the grocery store burns fossil fuels- the primary source of greenhouses gases. But that grocery store is powered by electricity, and its employees probably drove to work, so the store has its own carbon footprint.
Let’s use our resources wisely!
D for Differential Pricing-
The strategy of selling the same product to different customers at different prices.
Is it ethical?
Differential Pricing in fashion involves increasing/decreasing the price of an item depending on customer to customer.
A buyer can be overcharged for an item just because he has a higher buying capacity, defying his consumer rights.
On the other hand, the slashed down prices of an item can disturb the pay involved in the entire chain of production as the person working with farmers/weavers at the grass-root level might cut down on their pay, to maximise the profit for himself. It is a reason for unfair pay.
E for Ethical Fashion-
An umbrella term used to describe ethical fashion design, production, retail and purchasing; covering a range of issues like fair trade practices, environment protection, etc.
(Should Include)
Social Good- Fair & Equal Pay, Good Working Conditions, Gender inclusion etc.
Planet Friendly- sustainable production low carbon emissions, low wastage, biodegradable, working with organic fabrics etc.
Animal Welfare (In sync with nature).
These are just some of the characteristics, there’s many more angles and factors involved.
To be continued... (Part 1/5)